
Yes, Lime has a lot of email addresses associated with it. Here’s a directory to help you write the right department on the first try! = any logistical or paperwork-related questions or requests [visas, medicals, flights, etc] = any non-logistical questions or requests from musicians, headliners, techs, DJs [music prep before joining a […]

Book Recommendation: Derek Sivers

Your Music and People: Creative and Considerate Fame By Fede Rios Musicians everywhere! Fede here. I want to tell you about an amazing book I just read by the one and only, Derek Sivers. It’s called Your Music and People: Creative and Considerate Fame. It just came out to the public, and it’s an absolute must-read.  If you […]

Crew Bar

As musicians aboard a cruise ship, the vast majority of working hours will be spent at night, entertaining guests before dinner, after dinner, before comedian shows, after comedian shows, in between losing efforts at the casino, and so on. And after the last set is finished, a musician’s options (or any crew member’s options, for […]